Sunday, May 13, 2012

Investing on me

Yesterday, I read a book "The lucky bitch secrets of outrageous success"  and I got inspired by it,  decided to take little step for my self. Its a very small book of 17 pages but purely with practical methods that everyone can implement it in their life with small efforts.

You can also download this book by clicking this link and get registered and you will get it in your mail. 

The author described how we can change our life with few exercise, which are as following:

  1. Tell the universe your desire : Make a list that you really want and speak it loud. Ask for more money...more job... and you might wonder at the random offers you're getting.
  2. Regular goal setting : make it regular habit and you'll be rewarded. Doodle them while you're on phone, write them first thing and play around with different ways to express them.
  3. Ideal Day: Write your absolute dream day from start to finish. Describe every minute in titillating details. Imagine as you write that you are literally creating the Universe from your pen.
  4. Visualise it: Before you actually get it, pretend you do! See yourself speaking on stage wearing a glam outfit, winning that competition and most importantly feel it. Experience the pleasure of anticipatory little thrill in your belly.
  5. Create your dream board : Its very easy, just paste the pictures of those things that you want in your life, it may be of healthy body, a brand new car, a laptop, a home or a musical instrument.


and some really simple things you can do right now.
  • Change your email and computer passwords to represent your biggest dream, eg. ihavei10. 
  • Put your dream in your calendar. If you schedule it, its more real and you're energetically space for the Universe to provide it for you. 
  • Edit the names in your phone, especially the people who call you the most i.e. Manish becomes Money loves me.
  • Set recurring reminder on your phone that says Congrats for New home.  

I took following step in my life.
  • I have changed few numbers like Kishan to Money loves me, Funtush to Good luck follows me, Arun to I am in Peace, and Arjun to I love you, Moni.
  • Make my dream board and made it my desktop wallpaper.
  • Changed my passwords too.

Now what you're going to change in you life?


  1. Vijay Sabapathi(Bear)13 May 2012 at 03:48

    I am happy that I am the first one to post my comments. This blog is so cool. Really impressive one to make our days to be gud & dreams to become true. I vl follow all the steps u have suggested and let you know. Keep rocking my Teddy.

  2. Vijay, what steps U decided to take?? let me know please..


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